As 2023 came to a close, I finally took time to rest and reflect on what a whirlwind year it had been. Despite huge variations to my plans, the year was once again a success because of the amazing encouragement I received from each and every one of you. The support stretched far beyond the veggie boxes and farmers market with friends and family coming out to help me with things like planting, weeding, and shoveling compost. I ended up with more on my plate than I was expecting so every bit of relief and reassurance was very much appreciated.Â
I spent the beginning of the year moving the farm and planning for the upcoming season. I began the daunting task of mapping out and building all 38 beds for the newly expanded farm. Thankfully I had access to a small walk-behind tiller because my oldstrictly man-powered ways of bed building I’ve used in the past, would’ve been the end of my back. It definitely took longer than expected, as most farm projects do, and ate into my time for spring planting. I managed to stick pretty close to my plans this spring but some failed seedlings definitely put me a couple steps behind. There’s so much to figure out when you’re on a new property and time is of the essence in the spring. The time pressure can be really overwhelming but this is when I remind myself of all the work and research I put into my plan and attempt to follow it as best I can. In the spring I try to put my perfectionist personality aside (key word, TRY) and just get shit done!
The summer came fast, as it always does, and the plan went out the window just as fast. Life is more unpredictable than the weather, which just adds another layer of difficulty to farming. Things changed drastically for my landlords, myself and for my parents this year. Everyone was affected by changes at work and my mom, my biggest helper, had hip surgery in September. Thankfully I had hired a friend to help with harvest days otherwiseI would’ve been completely on my own for most of the year. Even with some help, I had taken on too much.
So of course, with the season at its peak of insanity, I decided to start looking for a change. I connected with a community of supportive, like-minded farmers in Summerland who are all working together to make a positive impact on the local food systems. They are working on some really exciting regenerative agriculture projects that I knew right away I wanted to be involved with, including an egg operation and a way to inspire new farmers. As I finished off my season this year I began packing up the farm AGAIN, and headed up the valley. I’ve always had a sense of wanderlust but it was easier backpacking Europe with my dog than moving a whole farm. The most challenging and rewarding part of my move this time, was moving my bus. She is a big girl with air brakes so in the past I’ve hired drivers. This year I took my course, passed the test, got my air brakes license and drove her myself! Nothing like getting your whole house out on the open highway. Summerland is definitely farther away from the conveniences of my parent's house but I’m excited to use all my off-grid amenities to their full potential as I celebrate my two year bus-siversary. The move truly encompasses an exciting fresh start with a new job, a new farm and a new home in Summerland.
2024 is going to be a big year for me as I celebrate my 30th birthday alongside all these changes. There is a lot of work being done behind the scenes for a few exciting projects that I will be involved with as well as my own crazy plotting and scheming. I'm not going to say much more than that but I will try my hardest to keep everyone up to date on Instagram as it all unfolds. Thanks again to everyone who has been a part of my journey in any capacity, including those of you reading this. Keep asking where your food comes from and keep supporting the small farm revolution. We have the power to make the positive changes the world so desperately needs. Thank you for supporting a small local farm and always remember to take it easy on the Earth!
